Thank you for taking the time to visit this website, it really does mean a lot. I am someone who has a strong desire to engage in all varieties of imagination, originality, and expression through different creative mediums, like writing, modeling, film, music, and paintings. I indulge in many things rather than focusing on just one specific creative outlet and on this site Iād like to showcase it all. Thank you for being here.
Height: 6ā4 Weight: 210 Pants: Xl Long 34 waist Shirt: +Medium
Content Schedule
Rashadrian (Main Channel) - Every Wednesday at 6pm
Adrian Again (Reaction Channel) - Every Monday and Thursday at 6pm
Read a Book Gangie (Book Review Channel) - Last Sunday of every month at 3pm.
First Wednesday or second Tuesday of every month a newsletter will be sent out. Make sure to subscribe for all the latest updates!
Words to Live Forever:
My limited edition poetry novel will release March 9th. Be here first to get 1 of the 50 physical books released.